Installation 2 Mare Tranquillitatis.jpg

Sahlgrenska University Hospital

Commissioned by Västfastigheter

Mare Tranquillitatis / Stillhetens hav
Video installation
Monitors in ceilings
10 min in a loop, no sound
Photo: Bert Leandersson

Link to video

The title of the video relates to the place where the first lunar expedition, Apollo II, landed. It was believed that the dark spots on the moon were seas, which then lead them to name the site Mare Tranquillitatis, or, The sea of tranquility.

I wanted to achieve a lack of weight- and size relations and let the video describe a gigantic, as well as a microscopic, universe. A place that had no horizon but of currents that through the eye of the beholder could expand out in the space. Every scene is carefully arranged. The image is manipulated; it is doubled, reflected and twisted in order to be placed in a space in between reality and fiction. To edit a video can be compared with composing a piece of music. How the scenes are put together determines rhythm and intensity. In The sea of tranquility the silence is more effective than sounds and instead there is a clear visual pulse. The video is displayed in loops and lacks beginning and end. The beholder can begin or quit the video whenever. 

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Holograms of Ecolonia
Light boxes in ceilings
Photo: Bert Leandersson


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Norwegian University of Sciences and Technology

Commissioned by KORO
Scenes from Holograms of Ecolonia
Video installation
Projection on wall
Photo: Werner Zellien / KORO

Link to video

Scenes from Holograms of Ecolonia
is created as an ordered purchase by KORO to be permanently displayed at the university NTNU when they issued a greater new- and reconstruction. I was asked to put together scenes from my Ecolonia-archive and create a context in which the main emphasize was on reflections of biological processes and different approaches to technology, also through craftsmanship and art. I was assigned to work with a video projection against a wall of raw concrete. I chose scenes that can function intimately with presence and distance to the room of entry which rises and surround the projection wall of the university.

The scenes communicate a fragile balance between humans and nature where both parts are omitted and vulnerable.


Växjö Central hospital

Commissioned by Kronobergs landsting
Inre Vatten / Inner Water
Dyed and printed shingles.
Eight roofs in the department for dialysis.

Jag har arbetat med taket som ett landskap. Gestaltat vatten och öar där tecken och mönster tillgängliggör farleder som ögat kan följa och undersöka. Ett sjökort som ska vara intressant att återvända till vid flera utflyktstillfällen i veckan och ta med betraktaren på otaliga resor över tid. Titeln Inre vatten är en term lånad från navigation och sjöfart. Den relaterar också till en inre dialog genom reflektion som ett kontemplativt möte med konst kan ge upphov till.
Jag har eftersträvat ett lågmält uttryck där konsten, snarare än att omedelbart göra sig påmind, kan upptäckas och utforskas över en längre tid. Jag har sökt en atmosfärisk lätthet, närmast viktlöshet i taket, och betonat luftighet ovanför den vilande patienten snarare än tyngd. I gestaltningen har jag därför utgått från harmoniska ljusa färger och repetitiva mönster i rogivande kompositioner.

Molds of Ecolonia #1-14, Plaster-reliefs

Molds of Ecolonia #1-14, Plaster-reliefs

Danderyd hospital

Commissioned by Stockholms läns landsting
Recalling Ecolonia
Plaster-bas reliefs, video installation and photo manipulations in the X-ray department


Mot en vit vägg på röntgenavdelningen hänger fjorton gipsavgjutningar av sidorna i ett herbarium. Om du tittar noga ser du tejpen som använts för att fästa växterna på pappersarken. I hörnen syns spår av lappar av något slag, förmodligen med gästernas namn. Den botaniskt bevandrade vet, medan andra bara kan gissa. Är det en blåklocka? Ett löjtnantshjärta?
— Ur Konsten på Danderyds sjukhus, Kulturförvaltningen Region Stockholm

Molds of Ecolonia #1-14
Plaster Bas-relief
42x28x1,3 cm

I found the plants in a herbarium. In there were plants that someone had chosen to tenderly take care of and save as a gift to the posterity.  Frozen time, preserved tracks. As fragile and beautiful are we, never fully explored.

Light touch of Ecolonia
Video installation
Projection on wall in corridor
10 min in loop
No sound
Photo: Per Mannberg, Region Stockholm 2019

På en annan vägg projiceras en video knappt synlig i ljuset som strömmar in från fönstret mittemot. En kvinna sträcker sig vänligt mot betraktaren och blåser maskrosfrön och såpbubblor. Hon framträder som ett vagt minne.
— Ur Konsten på Danderyds sjukhus, Kulturförvaltningen Region Stockholm
Hologram of Ecolonia #31, Photo manipulation, 100x132 cm, Digital print on Ultrasmooth.

Hologram of Ecolonia #31, Photo manipulation, 100x132 cm, Digital print on Ultrasmooth.

I verket ingår också ett fotografi av en skir, torkad växt från herbariet. Ett annat fotografi återkommer på flera ställen runt om i avdelningens tak. Konstnären utgår ifrån sitt bildarkiv Ecolonia. I sitt arkiv samlar hon material, intryck och förnimmelser från vardagsliv och natur, förmedlade i olika material och tekniker.
— Ur Konsten på Danderyds sjukhus, Kulturförvaltningen Region Stockholm

Holograms of Ecolonia #31-34
Photography on walls and ceilings


Exstract from video

Exstract from video

Staup Helsehus

Commissioned by Levanger multicipality
The Mind is a Muscle
Video installation and photography

A cycle of different phases in life, physical experiences and moods. The dance is the poetry of body. How do one experience one’s own body – how do one feel it?

When one speaks of dance and movement it is possible to differ between the controlled and the free movement. What separates them are the degree of awareness and depth. Simply put the controlled movement is choreographed whereas the free movement has a lower degree of awareness but a greater depth. Many movements in our everyday life is performed through habitual patterns that we have in our bodies and is thereby governed by rules. But to run or to walk may also be free movements, as long as you find a way into the movement that enables you to perform it freely. An interesting discovery that science has provided is that we are more capable of reading emotional states of mind after we have performed a free movement than we are after we have performed a controlled movement. In other words, after we have performed a free movement we are more likely to connect with our emotional adjustment. The video installation The Mind is a Muscle is inspired by the studies made by the scientist Åsa Unander-Scharin of how our emotions are affected by seeing a robot dance on a screen. The experiment shows that we are just as affected by watching someone else performing movements as we are when we are in a physical activity ourselves. In the artwork The Mind is a Muscle I have used the free movement.
The title The Mind is a Muscle is borrowed from a multi-divided performance made by Yvonne Rainer in 1968, where the dance of seven dancers is combined with film and text.


In order: 1. Video installation in entrance and café room. 2. Video installation in entrance and café room. 3. Photography on wall in corridor.
Photo: Siv Hilde Meen, Filmfabrikken


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Into the Roots

45 min dance performance and video installation
Collaboration between Fanny Kivimäki and Carolina Jonsson

Idé, dance and choreography: 
Fanny Kivimäki
Video art: Carolina Jonsson
Music composing: Sebastian Ring
Light, production & creative assistance: Lovisa Ivenholt
Producer: Sara Törn, Vara Concert Hall

An artwork for us who once have left home to live elsewhere or us who have been forced to flee. With presence and painful homesickness Fanny Kivimäki gives a performance on life, dreams and remorse.

Hemlängtan och nostalgi står mot stark fysisk närvaro på scenen när Fanny Kivimäki gör en danssoloföreställning om livets rötter. Uttrycken varierar mellan melankolisk musik, vidunderlig videokonst och expressiv dans. Scenografi och föremål talar sitt tydliga språk om längtan till vidder och fjäll. Det uppstår en spänning mellan det filmade och det levande på scen som kretsar kring rörelserna att falla, rulla och klättra. Fanny Kivimäki gestaltar med mycket energi och varsamma detaljer. I en tid där människor flyttar över världen blir frågan om hemhörighet och längtan oerhört viktig att samtala om.
— Juryns val: Bibu scenkonstbiennal